Mercy Never Sleeps // REVIEW


Mercy Never Sleeps gets 3/5 stars from me! This one is a unique, drama-packed memoir with many a crazy tale of being a psychiatric crisis guy on call 24/7, and I have to admit it's nothing like any other book or memoir I've ever read. Blaine's voice is one of a kind and his personality is evident on every page, which made for an entertaining and engaging read, especially because the stories he tells are wild, dramatic, and intense at times. You can feel the tension rise as he battles his own insomnia while helping others through their own breakdowns and meltdowns and crises, and the whole book feels like you're right on the edge of what could either be disaster or major drama. There were parts that felt repetitive about this one, and times where I feel like chapters or stories could have been shortened to pack more of a punch (it's not a short book!) but overall, the story kept me engaged, even though it didn't seem to really ever reach a definite climax or have any sort of satisfying resolution. 

Overall, an interesting read, fascinating stories, dynamic characters, and enjoyable to read, but not one I particularly loved or would pick up again.