When You Feel Like "I'm Just One Person"

You probably know that I've been taking a step back from writing and social media lately, and I'm still working to figure out some better rhythms with how much I consume and how much I create, but I wanted to share this post with you.

This is my heart lately. Feeling like only one person in the face of so many big, hard, horrible things, and not knowing what to do about that.

Read on...

How can I heal the shattered heart of a friend whose life just fell apart? I'm just one person.

How can I bring justice for a victim who was raped? I'm just one person.

How can I fix the brokenness in our nation? I'm just one person.

How can I ease the grief of 50 families mourning their lost loved ones? I'm just one person.

How can I make a difference in this upcoming election? I'm just one person.

How can I bring light to the darkness? I'm just one person.

I'm just one person.

My two hands can only hold so much. My heart can only hold so much. My brain can only hold so much.

I'm a feeler, I'm emotional, I'm intuitive, the weight of all these things is heavy on me. It starts to feel like a burden, all this brokenness and injustice and mess. It starts to steal my hope, because, after all, I'm just one person.

But then, I remember, so was He.

Just one person.

Just one man.