BLOG-TEMBER: Book Talk + A Coffee Date

If we were on a coffee date... I would explain this is a total fusion of posts happening, because when your sweet friends Erin and Amber host their link-up while Bailey's Blog-tember Challenge is happening, you can't choose just one. So, we will do both today, and it will be a bonus. We will have a coffee date and we will talk about books!

If we were on a coffee date... I would tell you the book I read is No Man is an Island by Thomas Merton. I'm not quite finished yet, but, this book... SWOON. So much richness, so much goodness, so many highlights because I want to remember every line. I have not savored a book like this one in MANY, many moons. The last book I finished was The Paris Wife, and I gave it a solid 3/5 stars!

If we were on a coffee date... I would tell you the book I'm currently reading is The Chronicles of Narnia-- I'm reading through them in the order Lewis preferred and am just about to start Prince Caspian! Narnia might be the only series I truly adore. Also currently reading Becoming Wise by Krista Tippett (adore her) and Jack (a bio on C.S. Lewis).

If we were on a coffee date... I would say the book up next on my to-read list is Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, and I'm reading it alongside Annie and Lauren which is just going to be so fun!

If we were on a coffee date... I would get real with you about how hard dating can be. Like, for real, who knew it could be this emotional and exhausting? It's been hard for this INFJ to process all of the feelings and thoughts that come with getting to know new guys, and I've been really quite a mess about it all. It might sound silly, but I have really intentionally avoided dating for the last two years and diving back into it by dating three different people in a two week span was NOT smart. Too much, too soon. I've been learning a lot about honesty, transparency, and being clear about my emotions and my intentions. I have not been the best at it, believe me, but I've gotten to know some really great guys and learn a lot about my own heart and what I'm looking for in a potential boyfriend. So much still to learn here. So many feelings about all of it. Also, really feeling good and excited about continuing to spend time with a certain fella, so, yeah. :)

If we were on a coffee date... I would ask how you feel about fall. I would swoon about all the things I love about this season. It just feels like a fresh new start, and my soul feels so alive when the temperatures start to drop and the leaves start to fall. I can't get enough. 

If we were on a coffee date... I would share that I'm still jamming to these tunes. Also, new The Head and the Heart! New Local Natives! New Bastille! New Kings of Leon! All the heart eyes for a good playlist and new releases. 

I we were on a coffee date... I would ask if you wanted to share your story. Because I'm bringing my most beloved project back to life, and I would be honored to share your heart.  

If we were on a coffee date... I would ask if you've found new friends through Bailey's Blog-tember Challenge too! I'm loving following so many new blogs and making so many new friends. I'm still chugging along with more posts than I've ever consistently and consecutively posted on this space, so YAY for that!

You can find past coffee date posts HERE.

Also, all the posts about all the books are HERE.

All throughout September, I'll be joining Bailey in The Blog-tember Challenge!

You probably won't see a post every day from me (although she made excellent prompts for each day this month!) but I'll be joining in often and would love for you to do the same!