Little Letters // March 2017


Life feels busier and more stressful than ever, and while I'm grateful for all the things on my plate, it just feels like a LOT most days. I'm really making an effort to start my day strong (waking up at 6 am gives me a solid hour for my quiet time, and it's a game changer) and find ways to rest and relax throughout the week, but it's a struggle.

I'm glad it's a "little letters" post day, because I needed the reminder to look back at the good things in life recently and name what I'm grateful for. Even when life gets crazy, taking time to appreciate the good things is SO important.

Here are some little letters to things I'm currently loving in life:

Dear Beautycounter, I'm excited I found out about you. Shout out to Taylor for hooking me up -- these clean, beautifully packaged, natural makeup goodies are already making me feel SO much better about what I'm putting on my skin. I used all of them this morning and really LOVE them, so YAY. Worth spending a little extra money to make sure I know my products are actually good for me! (I don't even sell this stuff guys, I just like it, that's all.)

Dear books, I just really love you guys a lot. I set a goal to read 150 of you this year, and I've totally shocked myself by surpassing 20% of that goal already, and therefore bumping my goal up to 200. What even?! I really didn't think that 150 book goal was possible, but here we are now striving for even more than that. (Reading primarily books by authors of color for all of February was a fun challenge that really got me excited about reading new books!)

Dear International Women's Day, you were wonderful. Loved seeing so many people celebrating brave, beautiful, talented, kick-ass women. Loved writing this piece about how Christian women should be teaching the younger generation about true womanhood.

Dear capsule wardrobe, you make getting dressed in the mornings a breeze. Love you already. (And writing more about you soon, complete with super awkward selfie stick outfit photos...)

Dear brother, miss you already. Hope Colorado living is a blast. Can't wait to visit you in Vail!

Dear yoga in the park, I'm so glad you're back. There's nothing like the sore and shaky muscles that come after a solid hour-long vinyasa flow, and there's nothing like doing yoga with like 100 other people while watching the sun set over the city skyline in a park. It's bliss.

Dear Dad, thanks for treating me to a coffee date last weekend. I always love getting to spend quality one on one time with you, and it was so great to talk about all the things with you. You're the best and the wisest and I'm grateful you're my padre.

Dear baby garden of mine, I am the proudest plant mama. Every day, I check up on all your growth, and I just can't believe how fast everything is growing! So far, I've planted cilantro, basil, mint, two kinds of parsley, lavender, oregano, rosemary, green onions, spinach, arugula, brussels sprouts, and a TON of wildflowers too. Everything's inside crowding our kitchen table (because it's the only window that gets great sun!) in little starter pods, and I can't wait for spring to actually be here so I can start my outdoor container gardens!

Dear new passion project, I'm so excited about you. Can't wait to share you with the world. (Hint: it builds off something that used to live on this blog but hasn't happened in a while... ahhh!)

When one of my favorite blogger friends, Kristin of Taz + Belly, started this little letter linkup, I knew I would be all in every month! She's hosting this linkup the second Friday of every month if you want to share your little letters, too-- we would love to have you!

Here's her post today!