5 Things I Love about PowerSheets

Let me be real with you all for a second: I am not somebody who tends to stick with things for very long. When it comes to planners and goal setting tools, I’ve tried a LOT of different things, so believe me when I say that PowerSheets are the best of the best.

If you have ZERO idea what PowerSheets are, here’s their product description: The PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planner TAKES THE OVERWHELM OUT OF LIFE by helping you focus on the right goals. PowerSheets are perfect for anyone who wants to finally follow-through on goals that matter! Students, empty-nesters, corporate professionals, business owners, love-at-home moms, and 50,000+ women all over the world have found success with the PowerSheets proven process. The most popular and results-backed goal planner, eight years running!

I have used them consistently for 3+ years now, and I love them so much. SO MUCH. I’m an affiliate for Cultivate What Matters now, which means links here will kick a small percentage back to me, but I would never ever tell you about products I don’t love, believe me!

Since the 2020 PowerSheets collection is on sale today at 10 am (!!!), I wanted to share more about why I find them so helpful and life-changing, in case they might be a tool that could be helpful for you, too! (ps— they’re $60 and there are bundle options available to get more bang for your buck!)

Here are 5 things I love about PowerSheets:

  1. They are a guided tool. You aren’t left to your own devices when it comes to setting goals (which can be intimidating!) — there is so much incredible teaching, coaching, and guiding throughout the pages that I never feel overwhelmed or unsure of how to work through things.

  2. The prep work pages. Each set of PowerSheets first starts with 30+ pages of prep work to help you take a good, hard look at your life, who you are, what’s working for you, what you want to focus on in the months to come, and so much more. I always learn so much about myself going through these worksheet pages at the beginning of a new year, and I find that my goals really become obvious to me as I process through everything in a way that wouldn’t have just HAPPENED. These pages take some time and effort, but they are so clarifying and eye-opening!

  3. The big picture pages. This is where my faaaavorite part of the prep work happens— writing out my hopes for where I’ll be when I’m 80, and then designing a vision board that illustrates my goals and hopes for my most purposeful year. It’s so fun to look that far forward and dream, and then to get practical and creative with what just this next year could look like. Designing these vision boards is something I seriously look forward to! I print out several copies and have them in my room and in my journal to look back on, and I just love them so much. (see my 2018 vision board + 2019 vision board)

  4. They allow you to set goals that work for YOU. I took my goals in a bit of a different direction this year, writing them as affirmation statements, and I didn’t set as many as there were slots for in my PowerSheets. In the past, I’ve done as many as 10 goals, but this year, framing them in a new light and having less of them just felt right. You could have 1 goal or 5 or 10 or anywhere in between, and it’s great to have that flexibility.

  5. Tending lists. These are the pages where all the planning really breaks down into action. You take your big year-long goals and create monthly, weekly, and daily action items. I love these pages, as they become goals for the month, a bucket list of sorts, a to-do list, and a habit tracker all in one. I find it so satisfying to track my progress and check off when I’ve accomplished something, and the perforated pages make it easy to keep this list in front of you all month long to keep that motivation going.

A few bonus things I’m excited about with this year’s PowerSheets:

  • Gold corners!

  • Monthly calendar pages

  • Gold coils

  • Hard covers

  • New stickers (I love these so much)

  • Downloadable Wildcard pages (I like the blog planner ones!)

  • Coaching from Lara Casey

  • Following along on Insta for so much additional support and coaching

Looking back over the last few years, I can so clearly see how much I was able to accomplish through the help of my PowerSheets and the guidance it gave me in clarifying my focuses and naming my goals. I’m grateful they exist, and I’m so STOKED to get my 2020 set in hand! The sneak peeks I’ve seen have been beautiful, and the extra products available in the shop are great too. (I always get a sticker book— the color coding dots help me organize all my tending lists to tie them back to my yearly goals!)

If you have any questions about PowerSheets, drop me a comment here and I’ll help however I can!