What If?

January 12, 2016


What if you decided to rebel?

What if you challenged the status quo?

What if you decided the way of the world isn’t the way you want to go?

What if you decided to do things differently, to do things better, to make your own choices?


What if you decided to delete all your apps and remove distractions?

What if you cancelled your Netflix subscription or stopped paying for cable?

What if you read or watched the news and chose to be a well-rounded and informed member of society?

What if you stayed in on Friday and Saturday nights?

What if you stopped drinking entirely?

What if you decided to foster a child who desperately needs a home?

What if you gave your money to causes instead of cafes?

What if you prioritized self-care and gave yourself grace?

What if you asked questions, the hard ones, the scary ones, the ones that open cans of worms?

What if you saved yourself for marriage?

What if you spoke up about the things that anger you or inspire you?

What if you fought for your marriage instead of giving up when things got hard?

What if you turned off all of your notifications and silenced your iPhone?

What if you stopped to have a legitimate conversation with the homeless man on the corner?

What if you loved the people who hate you or make your life harder?

What if you were fully present in your work, in your conversations, in your relationships?

What if you read books that nobody else is reading?

What if you talked about things nobody else is talking about?

What if you created things nobody else is creating?


What if you decided to fully be who you are, regardless of passing trends or others’ opinions or any external influence?


What would it look like?


What would you look like?

What would your life be like?