Why I Sabbath

March 1, 2016


I had heard it growing up, this word sabbath.

I knew it was the day God rested after six days of creation.

I knew we were commanded to keep it holy.

It wasn't real to me, though.

Now, I can't live without it. I can't function without it. I am not my best self without it. 


In tangible terms, here's what a typical Sabbath looks like for me, although there is no right or way to spend the day: I log out of all social media (my notifications are all turned off all the time anyway, but that's a post for another day), I wake up slowly, I read in bed, I cook a special breakfast, I drink good French press coffee, I go to church, I spend time alone (usually at my favorite coffee shop), I read my Bible and good books that point me back to Jesus, I write in journals but not on my computer, I stay offline, I eat delicious things, I spend time outside, I move my body, I spend time with family (usually around the table or on walks), I turn the radio in my car off and pray out loud or just sit in silence, I light candles that help create a calm environment, I make things with my hands, I nap... I rest.


I'm taking the liberty of making this holy proper noun a verb, so just go with it.

I sabbath because a day of rest was instilled in my very soul from the very beginning of all creation by our good, gracious God.

I sabbath because six days of work is enough.

I sabbath because after the work and the words and the errands and the meetings and the emails and the chores, my soul needs to say selah. I need the pause, I need to praise. 

I sabbath because I need to reflect, to remember. I need to be restored and reminded of His faithfulness in all things.

I sabbath because I believe God when He set commandments for His people, because I trust that He designs good patterns for his children, because I have faith that He will satisfy my every need even when I'm resting and recharging.

I sabbath because I know how small I am. I know even that seventh day of work wouldn't be enough to make me big or powerful or remarkable on my own. If God, the Creator of all, the Lord of all, the Ruler of all, the Maker of all rested on the seventh day, why would I ever think I'm above that same rest? I'm not. I know I am small. I know I need a day of recalibration to put Him in His rightful place before a new week begins again.

I sabbath because I hate the hustle. Some see the weekend as two extra days to chase dreams and make things happen and get ahead. I hate the rat race of the world around me. I hate the hustle, the frenzy, the mayhem, the cutthroat nature of business, the competition. It's killing us. We are stressed out, manic, impatient, and frazzled. Nothing about that is attractive. Sabbath offers an alternative that is restorative. I will choose it every week because it keeps me sane. It's a soothing balm on a weary soul.

I sabbath because there is beauty to be seen, and I miss it when I'm scrolling and double tapping and tweeting.

I sabbath because I value the people around me, value the city I live in, and value my own passions enough to connect with them intentionally every week.

I sabbath because it refuels me.

I sabbath because it restores me.

I sabbath because I want an obedient faith, not out of duty or obligation, but out of a surrendered and humbled heart wanting to glorify its Maker.

It's counter-cultural. It's unconventional. It's challenging.