RAD Reading Challenge Inspo: Books about Faiths + Religions

If you’re joining in with A RAD Reading Challenge this year, you know one of the categories is a book about a faith or religion different from your own. I’ve been a Christian my entire life, but I love learning about the beliefs and faiths of other people, and from other cultures, as I find it helps me both understand people better and love them better. Plus, I just find religion and faith fascinating, and am intrigued by different ways people practice their beliefs and engage with who/what they worship.

I rounded up some ideas as a starting point — these books all highlight different beliefs, faiths, spiritualities, and religions. I encourage you to read something for this category that you don’t know much about, and go into it with an open heart and mind to see what you can learn and how you can grow in understanding and empathy for others.

Here are some ideas for books about faith and religion: