The 12 Best Books I Read in 2019

One of my very least favorite questions to be asked is, “What’s your favorite book?” I read 150+ books a year, people. That is a LOT of books. And so many of them are EXCELLENT. How could I POSSIBLY begin to just pick one favorite?! I can’t even pick one favorite from just this year!

It’s a lot of pressure.

Like I did last year, and the year before that, and the year before THAT, too… I rounded up 12 of the very best books I read this year. Don’t you dare ask me which one is my favorite! Don’t even ask me to rank them in order! It was hard enough to narrow the list down to 12 when I had more than 20 that got 5-star ratings from me.

Also, I know I’m sharing this list at the beginning of December when there are still several weeks of reading left to go… but I’ll be sure to update this if a new book blows one of these out of its spot!


Here you go!

The top 12 books I read in 2019:

(in no particular order)

If you write or share about your best reads of the year, share your link in the comments!