50+ Things to Do While We're All Social Distancing

These are crazy times but for the good of our communities and cities and neighbors all around us, it’s the best to practice some good ole social distancing! We introverts have been preparing for this our entire lives, and I’m here to give you a bunch of ideas for how to entertain yourself and make the most of this time at home.

Here are some things to do while we’re all social distancing:

  1. Make a bucket list!

  2. Write a letter to your grandparents.

  3. FaceTime your out of town friends.

  4. Color in some adult coloring books. (My current favorite!)

  5. Take a bubble bath. (Add this)

  6. Do some yoga. (I love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube)

  7. Read poetry.

  8. Binge a show on Netflix. (A few faves: Cheer, Next in Fashion, Love is Blind, The Circle, The Great Interior Design Challenge, Glow Up)

  9. Send snail mail.

  10. Read unread books around your house.

  11. Try a new craft with supplies you have on hand.

  12. Take walks in your neighborhood.

  13. Meditate. (I love the Calm app)

  14. Paint your nails. (Each one a different color is fun!)

  15. Catch up on your podcasts. (Shameless plug for The RAD Podcast!)

  16. Check out an audiobook or ebook from Overdrive or Libby with your library card.

  17. Purge your closet.

  18. Clean a part of your house you haven’t touched in a while. (We all have one of those junk drawers…)

  19. Watch the sunset.

  20. Do a puzzle. (This one is double-sided and beautiful)

  21. Try a new recipe.

  22. Burn the good candles.

  23. Play a board game. (Some ideas!)

  24. Have a themed movie night. (Make fun snacks!)

  25. Do a crossword puzzle. (Try this one from The NY Times!)

  26. Make a blanket fort.

  27. Do a face mask. (This is my favorite — just mix it with apple cider vinegar!)

  28. Make a new playlist.

  29. Rearrange some art or furniture around your house to freshen things up.

  30. Bake a sweet treat.

  31. Make a collage with magazines, catalogs, newspapers, or junk mail.

  32. Try a new hairstyle. (Check Instagram/YouTube for ideas)

  33. Download DuoLingo and try learning a new language.

  34. Watch a TEDtalk.

  35. Leave podcast ratings and reviews for the shows you love listening to. (It helps a lot!)

  36. Try a new class on Skillshare.

  37. Research something you’re curious about.

  38. Tune into church online. (If you need one, check out Hope!)

  39. Make a new cocktail.

  40. Plan a capsule wardrobe for the spring.

  41. Order a new subscription box.

  42. Shop at your favorite small business online. (Order gift cards or buy birthday gifts or start early Christmas shopping, even!)

  43. Do all your laundry.

  44. Unsubscribe from marketing emails.

  45. Delete old or duplicate pictures on your phone.

  46. Reorganize your bookshelves.

  47. Clean out your pantry, fridge, and freezer.

  48. Download a new game or puzzle app to play. (I just downloaded a Nonogram app after hearing about it from Anne!)

  49. Rank one of your favorite foods or flavors of a food! (Like this or this)

  50. Donate to a charity or give to a fundraising effort to support those who need extra support right now.

ps — some other great quarantine lists/ideas:

What are you planning to do while you’re social distancing?