A RAD Reading Challenge


I’ve long been a fan of reading challenges — they’re fun, motivating, inspiring, and great for getting me out of reading ruts and helping me discover books I never would have read otherwise. This year, instead of choosing the challenges I’ve done in the past, I decided to whip up my own! I wanted to share so others can join me, too. There are ten categories that are open-ended, diverse, and hopefully fun — that’s less than one book a month, so even if you aren’t a fast reader, you can totally tackle this challenge in the year to come!

You can print out the challenge by clicking the button below — you can write in the titles you have read (or what you’re planning on reading) as you go, and use the checkmark portion of the sheet as a bookmark throughout the year!

Be sure to tag me on Instagram @alltheradreads as you go so I can see your progress and share your posts! I’ll save all the graphics to a highlight for easy sharing, too. If you want to snag one of these two images to post on your feed, feel free!

I’ll be blogging throughout the year with ideas, my updates, and more, so stay tuned!

Happy reading, bookworms!