73 Questions

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Taylor Swift's 73 Questions video made by Vogue, and I loved the rapid-fire, fun, easy interview style. It made me want to go watch a bunch more (which I promptly did-- Blake Lively and Reese WItherspoon both have really fun ones, in case you were wondering).

When I saw a Richmond friend share a blog post of her own 73 questions, it reminded me (like she said too) of the old MySpace and Facebook survey days, where I made loooooong notes answering a bazillion questions and tagging friends and all that jazz. I loved those things! So, I'm totally copying Mary Claire here and sharing the same list she did, because why not?! 

Happy Monday, friends!

  1. What are you most excited about these days?  All the upcoming weddings this summer of close friends!
  2. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. It's about gratitude, it's about family, it's in the fall, it's about tradition (watching the parade, doing big puzzles), it's about good food (and I get all my own because #foodallergies), it's the best.
  3. Favorite season? Fall fall fall fall fall
  4. Recent hobby? Watercolors! #100daysofRADwatercolors
  5. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Kate Middleton
  6. If you could have coffee with someone from the past, who would it be? C.S. Lewis
  7. What’s the best thing that happened this year? In the last year, getting my new job as editor of BibleStudyTools.com takes the cake for SURE.
  8. What’s the best way to decompress? Reading a book in bed with a candle burning or essential oils diffusing.
  9. What’s the weirdest word in the English language? I literally can't think of any weird words now that this question was asked.
  10. If you had one superpower, what would it be? The ability to speak any language.
  11. Who do you miss most? My younger brother.
  12. Who was the last person to text you? One of my very best AZ guy friends!
  13. Who are three people, alive or dead, that you would have dinner with? Since I already got coffee with C.S. Lewis, I'll say... Anne Lamott, Flannery O'Connor, and Wendell Berry.
  14. Last book you read? I finally finished The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor this weekend! (see more of what I'm reading here)
  15. Book you plan on reading? Next up is I Don't Wait Anymore by Grace Thornton
  16. Book you read bc everyone else in the world was reading it? Let's go with a recent one: Everything I Never Told You and I hated it. To be fair, I listened on audio and strongly disliked the reader so I'm sure that doomed it.
  17. A book from your childhood that positively shaped you? Little Women. Classic. Still adore it.
  18. Favorite tv show that’s currently on tv? New Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Nashville (please do not cancel this show for good, TV people)
  19. Favorite ice cream The new vegan Ben and Jerry's coffee caramel fudge! BEST THING EVER.
  20. What makes you smile the most? Seeing beautiful things in the world around me. And puns. Really bad puns.
  21. First pet? Mocha, the fattest, cutest, best little hamster.
  22. Worst subject in school? AP Calculus. I took it as an early bird class so it started at like 7 am and nobody should ever have to do AP calc at 7 am. I cried almost every class. BUT I PASSED THE AP TEST SO THERE.
  23. Favorite game? I'm a HUGE board game fan. As a kid, my fave was LIFE, and I totally cheated so I landed on all the spots where you got kids so I could fill up two cars of my little blue and pink pegs. Now, I'm a fan of Scattergories, Apples to Apples, Sequence, Taboo, etc. Words games are my specialty, keep the logic/strategy stuff outta here.
  24. Coolest thing in the world? Technology. I don't understand how anything works and it's fascinating.
  25. Cutest thing in the world? Tiny, clumsy, clueless baby animals. My coworkers and I all loved watching the DC baby eagle cam, and just found out about the baby cheetah cams at our local zoo, and I get so distracted watching those little guys.
  26. Favorite thing in the world? Love letters.
  27. One talent you wish you had? Playing guitar.
  28. One thing you still have from your childhood? All of my journals.
  29. What’s your patronus? I would love to say shark because they're badass, but I don't think I would really be one... so maybe like a panther?
  30. Last song you listened to on your phone? "Spirit Move" by Kalley Heiligenthal (Bethel Music)
  31. Favorite song lyrics? Could I ever name just one song? Let's go with currently, and it's "the resurrected King is resurrecting me" from this song.
  32. What song would you probably be caught dancing alone to? "Stitches" by Shawn Mendez. Love that song.
  33. If you could work the runway, what song would it be? For some reason, I keep thinking "Hips Don't Lie" so I'm just gonna go with that.
  34. Best gift you’ve ever given? One that I remember well was making a book with my brother of 25 love letters to my parents for their 25th anniversary. It was really sweet to celebrate their love and the foundation they've built our family on.
  35. Fashion icon? Just the whole Madewell store. Because that totally answers the question.
  36. What did you wear to your prom? This.
  37. Who was your date to your prom? My high school boyfriend. We dated for 2+ years-- he's still a close friend and a such a big part of my story! I only went to prom junior year. Wasn't a fan of all the hype. (shocker.)
  38. Favorite movie of all time? The Holiday
  39. Favorite movie of the last five years? Uhhhh... The Intern
  40. Movie that made you cry? I hardly ever cry in movies... I can only remember in recent years crying in The Fault of our Stars.
  41. Movie that made you laugh the hardest? Recently, Sisters. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey all day.
  42. If you could make a documentary, what would it be about? Why more people should be veg/the food industry and how messed up it is. (I highly recommend Food, Inc. or Michael Pollan's new documentary series Cooked!)
  43. Favorite TV show? I can't pick just one... Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, Friends, New Girl, Grey's, Nashville, Gilmore Girls (I'm watching for the first time ever!)
  44. If you could make a cameo in any TV show what would it be? New Girl. Because how fun would it be to spend a day living in the loft?!
  45. Best plot twist of all time? It's really hard to say OF ALL TIME because that feels big and serious. And my mind feels blank. One I didn't see coming was totally Gone Girl though.
  46. Twitter or Instagram? I love them both equally.
  47. Who should everyone be following right now? Branden Harvey
  48. Favorite food? Tacos.
  49. Favorite dessert? I'm not a huge sweets person. I would pick fruity candy over baked goods any day.
  50. Favorite band? Needtobreathe.
  51. Favorite solo artist? Sleeping at Last.
  52. If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be? John Mayer.
  53. What would be the title of your autobiography? RAD. Because I've gotta milk those initials for as much as they're worth.
  54. Favorite sound? Voices singing in perfect harmony. Or gentle rain falling and leaves rustling in the wind.
  55. Least favorite sound? WHISTLING. Cannot stand it, ever.
  56. Favorite animal? Sharks! I'm a major, major shark week fan.
  57. First celebrity crush? Uhhhh. I don't know. I've never known how to answer this question.
  58. Current celebrity crush? Jackson Avery from Grey's. THOSE EYES.
  59. What is your kryptonite? Orange flavored candy.
  60. Guilty pleasure? Wine and popcorn.
  61. Most proud moment? Getting my current job.
  62. Biggest weakness? My first thought to answer this was my knee. After 4 knee surgeries, it's a total mess. It crunches and grinds really loudly when I bend it, which is a fun (gross) party trick.
  63. Skill still unmastered? Painting.
  64. What is the definition of misery? Feeling stuck with absolutely no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel, and no way out of the pain.
  65. Biggest learning experience? Graduating a year early and moving out to live by myself in a new apartment in Richmond with a new real job.
  66. What is your idea of a perfect date? Coffee at a great cafe, wandering a bookstore to choose books for each other, exploring around town, getting tacos and margaritas somewhere we can eat outside, and stargazing on a big blanket somewhere quiet once it's dark.
  67. An experience when you felt the most nervous? Presenting on social media strategy to the executive board of the nonprofit I first worked at post-grad. To be 21 and up in front of a room of 20 men in their sixties or older was daunting.
  68. At what age were you the happiest? 23. (But I just turned 24 and it's been awesome so far, so maybe 24 will take the cake.)
  69. What’s one vice you wish you could give up? I tried giving up coffee... I lasted two months.
  70. If you could teach a college course, what would it be called? Telling Your Story
  71. If you could star in any movie remake, what would it be? Pride and Prejudice.
  72. If you were an Olympic athlete, what would your event be? Speed-walking. I have few athletic talents, so don't judge.
  73. If you could offer your 13-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be? Love yourself and fall in love with the Lord with your whole heart-- no boy will ever be able to satisfy the things your heart is looking for, so don't put a ton of stock in that right now. Also, buy a better hair straightener and learn how to use it, ASAP.

One year ago on the blog: Shedding Old Skin and Finding New Life

Two years ago on the blog: Tea, A Thursday and Three Couples